It took forever, But the day has finally arrived!

I could never imagine the journey through the self-publishing world would be as complex as it was. I hadn’t realized how many steps go into professionally publishing anything as long as a big novel. The folks at Bookbaby.com were great guides, though; even when dealing with a newbie like me! The first (and biggest} hurdle was the price. Even as the most reasonable choice, it was still very expensive. Especially for someone paying out of pocket to realize their labor of love. My family tried to help, of course, but there is just a wrong energy about accepting money from your kids who are just starting out themselves, or an aging parent who is on a tight budget like the rest of us. Then came a very steep learning curve, such as finding out how to copyright your own work with the U.S. Copyright office. That turned out to be relatively easy, but certainly not intuitive! The rest was realized by just closely (and slowly) following the advice of my publishing specialist at Bookbaby.com.

This is not intended to be a DIY publishing course, so I’ll get to the point. The first book of my series “The Species Serum” is now available on all the major book sales websites such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and more! Please go to one of these fine sites and make a preorder! You can also order from the link below, any time!

In the coming days I’ll be adding to, and updating, the information on this site. I’ll also be getting my mailing list and community pages up and running. The first 12 people to sign up for the community will receive a special gift (nothing spectacular, just useful). I can’t wait to hear from you all!