The Species Serum: Genesis

By: W.J. Landeye

The first book in an epic series, depicting the modern genesis of the "Diran" Species on the planet earth. Follow Willa and her sister Emily as they slowly discover their own origins, through scientific research and some stunning discoveries. Perhaps they aren't the first of their kind... and all the while trying to navigate the complex political and racial turmoil their very existence is slowly spreading through human society. How will they protect themselves, let alone the family that is slowly growing around them?!

     The young man from concierge services returned to David and Julian and said, “Dr.
Blanchard said you two should enjoy a nice brunch and then he will meet you at the entry point
to the Park and resort at 11:30 for your induction. In the meantime, why don’t I take you to the
presentation room so I can let you see what our resort offers?” Dave and Julian looked at each
other and Dave cut Julian off and said, “Dude, don’t get upset. I think they expected us to arrive
later today, not last night.” Julian wasn’t in the mood and replied, “They said Bill was having
some trouble. They gave us the option of traveling yesterday, and we did. I understand we got
here on the last plane to the Park and the ‘entry point’ was closed, but why are we waiting
another three hours?” The young man from concierge services said, “Well, if you’ll accompany
me to the presentation room, I think you’ll have a better understanding of what’s entailed with
Park entry and your stay here. You gentlemen are guests of the Park. But for your visit, you’re
also considered corporate employees for access and certain other purposes.”

     Julian finally agreed after Dave explained that they weren’t getting in until they finished
whatever the rules said they had to do. They entered what looked like a theater-type presentation
room on the second floor of the lodge. The young man said, “I’m going to show the videos of the
induction process. Hopefully, this will cut down the time you will have to spend at the entry
point. So, if you’ll take a seat, preferably toward the front since it’s just us.” Julian and Dave sat
in the first row, and the young man started a video on the big screen in front of them. The screen
ran through the welcome message and explained that they were about to enter a unique vacation
resort. It was showing animals of every type having fun and taking part in many recreational
activities. All of them walking upright on their hind legs and wearing clothing according to their
activity. The narrator explained that all visitors to the Park were to choose a mammal species that
they would like to experience life as, and prior to entry to the Park, they would receive a serum
that would combine their DNA with that of their chosen animal. “The resulting blend is an
anthropomorphic version of the chosen species. You will get to experience life as something
other than human,” the presentation explained.



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United States






2lbs 6oz

Print length:

614 pages

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